Tree expert watering an established residential tree with a tin can in Granite City, IL

Granite City Illinois: Should I Water My Trees During the Summer?

Temperatures are rising in the Midwest, and that means that your property’s trees and bushes are in desperate need of water and nutrients that scarcely come from summer weather. Ensure the health of your trees this summer with regular watering and professional maintenance services from our expert arborists in Granite City, IL. A-Unlimited Tree Service is the top choice for central Illinois residents who are looking for advice on how to properly care for their trees in extreme temperatures. Every homeowner should be watering their trees. Are you?

Keep reading below for tips on how to accurately water your trees, when to do so, and how much depending on the size of your tree.

When Should I Water My Trees?

This may seem like a silly question. Does it really matter when you water your trees? Actually, it does! In the summertime, the afternoon hours are generally the hottest of the day, allowing more than half of the water in your trees to be lost through evaporation. Our tree experts in Granite City, IL recommend that you water your trees in the early morning or evening to give the roots enough time to absorb and store most of the water for a longer period of time.

Professional arborist in a green and orange uniform using a hose to water small residential bushes and trees in central IllinoisHow Much Water Do My Trees Need?

This is where things get a little tricky! There isn’t a specific number of gallons for each species of tree neatly laid out. Every tree is different and requires a personalized watering schedule based on several factors including how much sunlight your tree is exposed to, how old the tree is, how thick the tree is, and more. Generally, arborist experts have concluded that roughly 10 gallons of water are needed for every inch of a tree’s diameter. So, if you have a large old oak tree in your yard, it’s a good idea to ditch a watering can and plug in the hose!

What Is the Correct Way to Water My Trees?

Unfortunately, there is not a specific indicator for how often you should be watering your trees, as there are thousands of different species that all have different requirements for staying hydrated and healthy. However, a good way to tell if your tree needs watering is if the soil at the base of the trunk is visibly dry and even cracking.

Every homeowner has a specific method when it comes to watering their trees, and all of them are right! Whether you use a sprinkler system, hose, or watering can, your trees get the nutrients they need to survive. Our team at A-Unlimited Tree Service in Granite City, IL can help you find a system that works for you!

A small watering bucket hydrating two small and growing tree leaves in a mound of dirt in Granite City ILNew vs. Established Trees

Believe it or not, the age of your tree has a lot to do with how often and how much it needs to be watered. During the summertime, newly planted trees will need to be watered much more than established trees. We recommend watering your new trees at least 3 times a week to ensure that they don’t dry out and that the roots have constant nutrition to grow. If you have established trees on your property, while they still need to be watered, you will be able to get away with many once a week depending on your watering system.

Call A-Unlimited Tree Service at (618) 581-4470  or contact us through our website in Granite City, IL today for more tips on how to keep your trees hydrated this summer!

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