A woman’s arms embracing a snow-covered tree in Madison County, IL, during winter.

Caring for Your Trees in the Winter

As winter settles in, it’s important to remember your trees require special care and attention during the cold months. While they may appear dormant, trees are still living organisms that need support to withstand the harsh winter conditions and emerge healthy and vibrant in the spring. By implementing a few essential tips for winter tree care, you can protect your trees from damage and set the stage for their continued growth and beauty. Our experts at A-Unlimited Tree Service will share five key strategies for caring for your trees in the winter, ensuring their survival and readiness for spring.


Applying a layer of organic mulch around the base of your trees provides numerous benefits during the winter season. Mulch acts as insulation, protecting the roots from extreme temperature fluctuations and preventing frost heaving. It also helps retain soil moisture, which is crucial during periods of frozen ground. Apply a 2–4-inch layer of mulch, extending it to the dripline but keeping it a few inches away from the trunk to avoid moisture-related issues.


While it may seem counterintuitive, winter watering is essential for tree health. Evergreen trees, in particular, continue to lose moisture through their leaves during the winter. However, frozen ground and reduced precipitation make it challenging for them to replenish that moisture. Deeply water your trees before the ground freezes to ensure they enter the winter adequately hydrated. This practice helps mitigate the risk of desiccation and maintains the tree’s overall health and vitality.


Pruning plays a crucial role in winter tree care. By removing dead, damaged, or diseased branches, you not only enhance the tree’s appearance but also reduce the risk of breakage under the weight of snow or ice. Additionally, selective pruning allows for better air circulation, minimizing the chances of fungal diseases taking hold. However, avoiding excessive pruning is important, as trees need their foliage to photosynthesize and store energy for the winter. For pruning or other professional tree services, please consult with our experts at A-Unlimited Tree Service.

Protecting from Winter Pests

Winter pests, such as rodents, can cause significant damage to trees during the colder months. To protect your trees, wrap the lower trunk with a physical barrier, such as tree guards or hardware cloth, to prevent rodents from gnawing on the bark or creating nests. Inspect trees regularly for signs of pest activity and take prompt action if needed. Consulting with professionals like A-Unlimited Tree Service can help identify potential pest risks and implement effective prevention measures. Contact our team today!

Avoiding Salt Damage

Deicing salts used on roads and sidewalks can be detrimental to trees. When snow and ice melt, the runoff containing salt can infiltrate the soil around trees, causing root damage and inhibiting their ability to absorb water and nutrients. Minimize deicing salts near trees, opting for alternative methods like sand or calcium magnesium acetate. If salt exposure is unavoidable, consider rinsing the tree’s foliage and flushing the soil with water in early spring to mitigate salt buildup.

Contact the Experts at A-Unlimited Tree Service for More Tree Care Tips!

Winter care is crucial for the health and longevity of your trees. By implementing these five essential tips—mulching, watering, pruning, protecting from winter pests, and avoiding salt damage—you can provide the necessary support to help your trees survive the cold months and thrive in the spring. For professional assistance and expert tree care services, homeowners in Madison County can rely on A-Unlimited Tree Service. Our skilled team of arborists will ensure your trees receive the specialized care they need, safeguarding them for years to come. Call 618.667.9885 now. Remember, proactive winter tree care yields healthy and resilient trees that will enhance your landscape and ensure you have many more years to enjoy your trees and the beauty, blooms, and shade they provide.

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